Questions & answers on the topic: “Language trips during the holidays”
How many students per class at Camps4you?
All Camps4you courses have a minimum of one teacher for every 10 participants. Here is a small example. If 21 kids are registered for a course, they will be divided into 3 groups in the way that makes the most sense from a learning point of view. e.g. Group A: 8, Group B: 9, Group C: 4 Pay particular attention to the information provided by the provider when choosing your language course. Often no specific information is given about the maximum number of students. Instead, they often refer to average numbers or approximate group sizes
Why does Camps4you not offer host family accommodation?
Accommodation in a college or hotel has decisive advantages over host family accommodation. 1) First of all, we can give you precise details about the accommodation when you register. You can see what the accommodation will look like before you book. 2) Another advantage concerns the safety of the students. There is no need for the (often very long and unsupervised) journey from the family’s home to school, excursions or afternoon and evening programmes. It is not uncommon for children to spend around 2 hours a day commuting 3) The course leaders live with the participants and are therefore available around the clock and can always help. 4) In our courses, all students receive the same high-quality food 3 times a day. With a host family, lunch is usually in the form of a packed lunch, which is not normally a substitute for a full meal for the students. 5) The hygiene conditions in our 4-star hotel and our private college are very good. This is sometimes not the case with host families. 6) You know how many children share a room. With host families, you will not receive any information about this before you register. Unfortunately, some course locations are overcrowded during the summer vacation due to too few host families. 7) Students can use the leisure facilities of the hotel/college free of charge. 8) Supervision is provided around the clock. Our course leaders are able to check the attendance of the children themselves in the evening. 9) The quality of the course is the same for all participants. You don’t have to “get lucky” and find a good family, but have the guarantee that everything will be exactly as promised in the booking documents.
Why was only Camps4you recommended by the Ministry of Education?
Since 2005, there has been a catalog of requirements for language travel providers. It sets out what information the customer should receive before booking, how lessons, accommodation and, above all, support should be provided. These requirements are available to everyone and are monitored by the independent Austrian Standards Institute. Every company is free to have itself checked according to these criteria and thus offer the customer the security of a certified language trip. We will be happy to send you the details of the criteria. From 2005-2022, in addition to EN 14804, there is an additional protocol from the Ministry of Education. If a company met the requirements of the Ministry of Education, it was recommended by the Ministry of Education. Camps4you Sprachreisen was the only Austrian tour operator to be certified according to these additional criteria of the Ministry of Education from 2005-2022. In 2022, the Ministry of Education ended its cooperation with the Austrian Standards Institute. Therefore, new certifications according to the additional protocol, and thus a recommendation from the Ministry of Education, will no longer be possible in the future. Nevertheless, we at Camps4you will of course continue to not only comply with the higher requirements of the Additional Protocol of the Ministry of Education, but exceed them. Camps4you: Definitely the better choice!
When do I have to pay for the booked trip?
After booking, you will receive a booking confirmation by post within 10 days. In it you will find details of the booked trip, and the additional services. Camps4you does not require a deposit. The final documents with the final invoice will be sent to you by post at the beginning of June. The final payment is due 20 days before the start of the trip.
Do the children also speak English in their free time?
Our course instructors speak English not only in class, but all the time. In this way, we also create an environment in which the language can be practiced in the afternoons and evenings. It is quite normal if the participants do not speak English with each other and often makes sense in order to process the many new impressions of a language trip. Through the numerous activities and excursions, and the constant interaction with the supervisors, we create the opportunity to improve the language.
How many children share a room?
This depends on the course location.
In Saalbach, 2- to 4-bed rooms are available.
In England, there are 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-bed rooms depending on the boarding house (3- and 4-bed only at the express request of the students).
In Malta, accommodation in 3-bed rooms is available on request. 2-bed rooms are also available at an additional cost.
Which course location is right for my child?
We recommend Austria for students aged 10 to approx. 15. Saalbach is the ideal starting point to get to know Camps4you courses. The children are not far from home and still have a very high quality English course. We recommend England for all age groups from 12 – 18 and the school also offers a safe environment for the younger ones. All age groups have the opportunity to have a great time in England with excursions and the leisure programme. Malta and Ireland (if available) are recommended for children aged 14 – 18.
How are the participants looked after?
Participants are supervised around the clock. In Austria and England, parents even have the option of not leaving their children unattended at any time, even during excursions. We attach great importance to going to bed on time so that the children get the most out of the lessons the next day. But fun is not neglected either, and the participants have enough time to relax. Of course, round-the-clock supervision does not mean that participants cannot spend time alone or with their friends. In any case, our supervisors are available around the clock.
How is the consumption of alcohol handled at Camps4you?
There is an absolute ban on alcohol on all Camps4you courses. In the event of non-compliance, parents will be informed immediately and the children warned. Should there be any further consumption of alcohol, the students will be sent home immediately at the expense of their parents or guardians. The consumption of drugs and other prohibited substances is also strictly prohibited. In the event of a violation of this prohibition, the consequence will be an immediate return home at the expense of the legal guardians.
Can cell phones be used during Camps4you courses?
Of course, the use of cell phones is permitted on all courses. Please note that we have no influence on the use of the devices during free time or at night. Furthermore, we cannot check for which activities the cell phones are used. However, use is not permitted in class unless authorized by the class teacher, e.g. for research work.